Frequently Asked Questions About Heat Pumps, HVAC, and Geothermal Systems

Are geothermal HVAC systems a source of renewable technology?

Yes, geothermal heat pumps systems use the energy stored into the ground which is replenished by the sun and earth’s core.  Geothermal is also a more favourable renewable technology when compared to wind or photovoltaic as it reduces your heating and cooling kilowatt-hours consumption by around four times.

Do geothermal HVAC systems need a lot of room outside?

No, the ground loop can be installed vertically with as small a footprint as is typically found in city building lots.  Also the heat pump unit is installed inside, further reducing the amount of usable space occupied by the geothermal system.

What is the best brand for geothermal systems?

The best brand is which ever gets you the best service and warranty. This is because all of the higher grade heat pump manufacturers use the same pre built components in their systems, such as compressors or water coils, to maintain the highest energy efficiency standards. We only sell and install the Nordic brand geothermal heat pumps as these are manufactured in Petitcodiac, New Brunswick and allow us to get replacement or service parts locally.

What is a geothermal heat pump and how does it work?

A geothermal heat pump is an electrically powered device that uses the natural heat storage ability of the earth and/or the earth’s groundwater to heat and cool your home or business.

Like any type of heat pump, it simply moves heat energy from one place to another. Your refrigerator works using the same scientific principle. By using the refrigeration process, geothermal heat pumps remove heat energy stored in the earth and/or the earth’s groundwater and transfer it to the home.

The earth has the ability to absorb and store heat energy from the sun. To use that stored energy, heat is extracted from the earth through a liquid medium (groundwater or an anti-freeze solution) and is pumped to the heat pump or heat exchanger. There, the heat is used to heat your home. In summer the process is reversed and indoor heat is extracted from your home and transferred to the earth through the liquid.

Does geothermal heat pumps offer cooling?

One of the things that makes a heat pump so versatile is its ability to be both a heating and cooling system in one. You can change from one mode to another with a simple flick of a switch on your indoor thermostats. In the cooling mode, a geothermal heat pump takes heat from indoors and transfers it to the cooler earth through either groundwater or an underground loop system.

How long will the loop pipe last?

A closed-loop systems should only be installed using high-density polyethylene or polybutylene pipe. Properly installed, these pipes will last 50-75 years or longer. They are inert to chemicals normally found in soil and have good heat conducting properties. PVC pipe should not be used under any circumstances.

Do geothermal heat pumps have outdoor units?

No. The equipment goes inside your home, usually in the basement, garage or crawl space. Because it’s indoors, the lifespan of the compressor and major components are greatly extended, most having a lifespan of 20 years or more.

How efficient is a geothermal heat pump?

Geothermal heat pumps are three to four times more efficient than the best fuel or electric furnace. Instead of burning fuel to make heat, they simply take the heat from the ground and transfer it to your house. By doing that, they provide three times the amount of energy compared to the energy used to power the system.

Your geothermal system can reduce your heating cost by an additional 40-60% compared to an air-to-air heat pump, ductless or ducted, 

Additionally, your geothermal systems can reduce your domestic water heating cost by an additional 25-50%.  This only requires a little bit of plumbing and an additional hot water tank.

These are just some of the operational savings you could see.  Because the geothermal system is installed inside your home, the system is never exposed to the outside climate.  This means there are additional savings due to reduced maintenance and a longer system lifespan.

Why should I buy a geothermal system?

Savings: Geothermal systems will save you over the long term when compared to any other system.  They can potentially save you money as of day one when put on a mortgage loan.  Since the savings from your monthly heating cost would be bigger than the smaller monthly mortgage increase.

In addition, your heating bills may be 50 to 80% lower, depending on the system that is replaced. Geothermal energy is not affected unpredictable price increase due to demand or transportation. It is always available, right beneath your feet!

After savings, what are other benefits of a geothermal system?


Geothermal systems will keep your home at a constant temperature, day or night.  Also, it will get rid of the humidity changes that traditional systems may not.  Finally, it does not have the occasional smell caused by fuel burning systems.

Reduced cost of hot water

A geothermal system will heat your water up to 2 times more efficiently than a regular hot water tank.

Low maintenance

Cleaning the filter once or twice a year is all that is needed to keep the system running. Geothermal systems have no flame, no chimney, and no danger of fire or carbon monoxide poisoning. No more worrying about potential deadly natural gas explosions.

Long life

Geothermal units have a life expectancy of 20-25 years.

Environment Friendly

Source of renewable energy and environmentally friendly